Latest news Eindhoven box cup.

Dear Boxing Teams, Trainers and Boxers,

Thank you for your interest in the Eindhoven Box Cup 2018, from 11 to 14 October 2018 in Hotel Van der Valk Eindhoven. We are now only 2 months weeks ahead of the Eindhoven Box Cup 2018, with the organizing committee working hard to improve again on this year’s event.


Currently over 50 teams, from 24 countries, have registered for the 2018 Eindhoven Box Cup.

For the entry management we would like to request all registered teams to:

1. Submit your full delegation of boxers and coaches in our online entry system using your personal login a.s.a.p.

2. Pay the due entree fees

3. Upload the personal photos of each delegation member in the entry system

You can login in our entree system following the link:

Changes in your entries can be done until 13 September 2018 (entry closing date). After this date the personalized entry passes will go to print.

– NOTE: all unpaid entries will be removed


We would like to request the larger teams (more than 3 boxers) to bring at least 1 AIBA licensed referee/judge to the tournament to remain an international, fair, and high standard of officiating during the tournament. If you are bringing a referee please contact to submit the details of your referee(s).


There is the possibility to book Hotel Van der Valk Eindhoven at a reduced rate. It is not obligated to stay here. The rates can be found

You need to make the hotel booking yourself.

Book by:

+31 40 211 60 33


For teams that are traveling by air, and are arriving on Eindhoven Airport we have a dedicated pick-up and drop off service. If you are arriving on a different airport, we can assist you in planning your arrival by public transport and arrange a pick-up from Eindhoven Railway Station.

If you want to use our pick-up service, please contact  timely with all your traveling details.

All teams and all boxers need to be present Thursday 11th October 15:00 for accreditation, medical check and weigh-in.

For more information, planning and tournament rules please visit our website, for any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Eindhoven – The organizing committee of the Eindhoven Box Cup has come to an agreement with Green Hill Sports as official material sponsor for the 2018 Eindhoven Box Cup.

All Eindhoven Box Cup matches will be boxed with Green Hill AIBA certified gloves.

During the tournament Green Hill’s top range Tiger Boxing Gloves can be bought against a big discount in the sizes 12, 14 and 16 OZ.

Halle – Op zaterdag 23 juni is een delegatie van het organisatie committee op werkbezoek geweest bij de finale van de Chemie Pokal in Halle, Duitsland. De delgatie bestond uit organisatoren Jeremie Besson, Eric van den Heuvel, Diederick Kruyssen en Brian Mous.

Uitgenodigd door de AIBA en Deutscher Box-Sport Verband was het doel om informatie uit te wisselen met een van de meest vooraanstaande boks toernooien te wereld. Een nuttige ervaring voor de organisatoren die het nodige hebben opgestoken op het gebied van toernooimanagement, PR en marketing.

Helaas geen Nederlanders in de finale maar de wedstrijden waren er niet minder aantrekkelijk om. Grote verrassing was de onbekende 19 jarige Amerikaan Coe Khalil die olympisch kampioen Julio Cesar La Cruz Peraza in de 1e ronde KO sloeg.

De uitnodiging voor de Eindhoven Box Cup is persoonlijk overhandigd aan verschillende landen waaronder USA, Ierland en India die hierop enthousiast reageerden. Team Cuba en Team USA zijn door de EBC organisatie in een Eindhoven Box Cup outfit gehesen wat erg op prijs gesteld werd.

Eindhoven – You can register now for the Eindhoven Box Cup 2018, the Netherlands’ largest boxing event and only AIBA tournament. Registration is open for Male and Female Elite open class boxers.

Over 200 boxers from all around the world will participate in this epic boxing tournament.

For registration click here

Eindhoven – Finally we may announce it. The new Nikko Sports online store is live on the internet! For months we have worked hard to build our new online store. It will meet all your wishes and requirements. In this article we tell you more about the improvements that have been made.

Ease of use comes first

The new online store of Nikko Sports wants to serve you as well as possible. The ease of use comes first. This makes it easier for you to navigate through the website, check out our products, contact us and compare products. We have also ensured that the prices and information of products are displayed more clearly. The FAQ page ensures that your frequently asked questions are answered immediately.

Expansion of payment options

In our current online store you can pay with PayPal, IDEAL and Credit Card. In the new Nikko Sports online store, you can also pay with new payment options and local payment options. For example, we have added Bancontact and you can now also choose for payment afterwards.

Expansion of the search function

Find a product, contact the company or find any other specific information. Whatever you want, you want to reach it as quickly as possible. Now we’ve improved the search function in the online store and we made sure that you can search for all brands. It doesn’t matter if you prefer to wear Nikko Sports or any of the other brands, you will find it with our new search function.

Share your favorites on social media

Social media has become an essential part of our life today. You want to share everything with your friends and family all day long. We now give you that opportunity! Do you want to share our products with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest? From now on it’s possible with all our products. Easy!

We are happy with our new online store. What about you? Give us your opinion on Facebook or through the review button below! Direct shopping? Then start by looking for your favourite products in our shop (


Pittige loting voor Nederlandse dames

220 boksers uit 24 landen zijn neergestreken in het Van Der Valk hotel in Eindhoven. Vanmiddag vond de accreditatie, weging, keuring en loting plaats. Altijd een spannend moment. Zijn alle boksers op gewicht en wie wordt de eerste tegenstander? Morgen vanaf 14.00 uur gaat het los en zullen er per dag meer dan 50 wedstrijden worden gebokst. De Eindhoven Box Cup wordt georganiseerd door Stichting Noble Art of Boxing in samenwerking met de Nederlandse Boksbond, onder auspiciën van de officiële Europese- en wereldboksbond, EUBC en AIBA. Alicia Holzken en Nouchka Fontijn hebben morgen meteen een uitdagende klus. Alicia lootte Solujanova (RUS) en Nouchka mag morgen beginnen tegen Sandakova (RUS)

Onder de deelnemers bevinden zich vele nationale kampioenen en medaillewinnaars op continentale- en wereldkampioenschappen. Onder andere Aradoaie Andrei (Roemenië, Europees kampioen zwaargewicht), Michael Nevin(Ierland, Europees kampioen middengwicht), Munkh-erdene Uranchimeg (Mongolië, 3-voudig Olympiër) en Evgeny Tischenko(Rusland, Olympisch kampioen zwaargewicht). De nationale selecties van onder andere Oekraïne, Duitsland, Indonesië, Sri Lanka, India, Denemarken, Rusland, Ierland, België, Mongolië, Roemenië en Frankrijk zijn van de partij.

Namens Nederland boksen onder andere Peter Müllenberg, Nouchka Fontijn, Artjom Kasparian en Aito Koster. Ook de leden van TeamNL komen in actie. De talenten uit dit team hebben het vizier nu al gericht op de Olympische Spelen in Tokyo in 2020.

Behalve voor de topboksers is er veel aandacht voor de breedtesport. Boksen zit sterk in de lift en kent steeds meer beoefenaars. De Eindhoven Box Cup is een event waar opkomend talent kan schitteren naast nationale en internationale toppers. Het boks-event in Hotel Van der Valk is dè gelegenheid voor sportliefhebbers in Nederland kennis te maken met ’the noble art of self defence’.


Morgen vanaf 14.00 uur gaat het dan echt beginnen met als eerste wedstrijden:

in ring A: ALICIA HOLZKEN vs. Svetlana Solujanova (Rusland)

in ring B: Tiegan Murphy Russell (IRL) vs. Bianca Cicarelli (BEL)


Andere opvallende en interessante wedstrijden morgen:

PETER MULLENBERG vs. Harry Woods (Engeland)

NOUCHKA FONTIJN vs. Darima Sandakova (Rusland)

AITO KOSTER vs. Gary McKenna (Ierland)

NASER SHALA vs. Ricardo Anzalone (Frankrijk)


Kaarten zijn nog verkrijgbaar aan de ingang bij Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven, dagtickets € 15 en kinderen tot en met 12 jaar € 7,50



Eindhoven – The organisation committee has, in consultation with the AIBA supervisor, made some changes in the daily schedule. Main change is that we will not have a weigh in on Friday morning, only Thursday afternoon, Saturday morning and Sunday Morning. Furthermore the morning schedule has been erased, instead the morning the rings will be open for public sparring.

Please see te new schedule below.

Date Time Phase
Thursday 19 October 2017 08:00 – 14:00 hr Build up event
15:00 – 17:00 hr Registration, Weigh-in, Medical Examination
18:00 – 20:00 hr Draws & Programming
20:00 – 21:00 hr Technical Meeting Coaches
Friday 20 October 2017 10:00 – 13:00 hr Public Sparring
12:00 – 12:30 hr Medical Check Referees
14:00 – 17:00 hr Quarterfinals Set 1
18:00 – 22:00 hr Quarterfinals Set 2
Saturday 21 October 2017 08:00 – 09:00 hr Weigh-in & Medical
10:00 – 13:00 hr Public Sparring
14:00 – 17:00 hr Semifinals Set 1
18:00 – 22:00 hr Semifinals Set 2
Sunday 22 October 2017 07:00 – 8:00 hr Weigh-in & Medical
10:00 – 13:00 hr Public Sparring
14:00 – 20:00 hr FINALS